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Medical Taping
Medical Taping is used in physical therapy and physiotherapy edema. It is a coloured elastic tape with an anti–allergy adhesive layer. The tape can be worn for approximately 5 to 7 days, even during exercising and showering.
The complaints for which Medical Taping is used
The tape is supportive in the recovery process of:
- Sports injuries, such as an ankle sprain or irritation of the knee ligaments;
- A large bruise (hematoma) after a fall or surgery;
- Scars;
- Increased muscle tone;
- Aches;
- (Lymph)edema.
The treatment
The tape can be used in different ways, depending on the complaint. The degree of elongation of the tape and the direction in which the tape is applied will have an effect on the complaint.
Effects of Medical Taping
- Improving the muscle function;
- Supporting joints;
- Stimulating and activating blood circulation;
- Stimulating and activating lymphatic drainage;
- Softening of scars and fibrosis;
- Reduction or complete eradication of pain;
- Massage effect on the skin.